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VIP DJ Set Shadowplay 25.02.2023

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VIP DJ Set Shadowplay 25.02.2023

Beitrag von DarkEmotion »

Hier ist die aktuelle Playliste:

* ShadowPlay on Schwarze-Welle FEB'23 *

mixed by sirCHAMPA ::

Sydney Valette - Mistress of Desire (Poison Point Remix)
Paranormales - Doctrina (Hapax Remix)
Jennifer Touch - Sacred Type
Diary Of Dreams - The Secret
Rudiment - Труп
Ex-Heir - Pretender
Mind / Matter - Des echos dans la nuit
LBeeze - Chant
TourDeForce - Nemo propheta in Patria
NECRØ - Surviving Pessimism
Damaged Clock - Perfecto
Healng - Ultraviolet
Depeche Mode + Leaether Strip - Ghosts Again (mash-up)

mixed by Anthony De Stuart ::

Fire of the mind - Coil
Dropped into obscurity - Deathday
Light Haze - Rina Pavar
Vixen - Maelstrom & Louisahhh
Lost Control - Initial Light
Trans Europ Express (Kraftwerk Cover) - Arnaud Rebotini
Truth - EM1V
Death Flags - Asymetric80
Dead Bang - Andi
Magic Stuff - Apnoie
Interconnected - Struck 9
Sun - TC75
Cat Man Vampire - Damien Hearse

Many thanks to sirChampa and Anthony de Stuart for the wonderful set.

It was a pleasure for me to present this.


Wer nicht zufrieden ist mit dem, was er hat, der wäre auch nicht zufrieden mit dem, was er haben möchte.
-Berthold Auerbach